Blog 4

Dear all,
This is your task for week 2. Write a paragraph about:

“Are you a very good student?”
Make sure that you:

v Include an introduction
v Use  paragraphs for different topics:  Success in your classes, involvement in school and after school activities, interests and involvement in leisure activities, such as volunteering.
v Write your conclusion.

Your post should be done in no less than 80 words. Write and publish it as soon as it is possible.

Write your comment on “Blog 4”. Try to respond using your vocabulary and grammar background related to units 1,2 and 3.

DeadlineFriday 28/04/2017

1 comment:

  1. I consider myself a good student because I strive daily to give the best of my studio every day after class, I am responsible for the projects, I amanesco for exams and classes pay much attention, I like to participate, too in activities that are in high school, I like to support, and the school also participated in the mother's day, father's day, holidays and many more activities, have also done volunteer and have been very nice experiences.
